Friday, June 20, 2008

Singapore pensioners' plight

Do you know that some of the government pensioners who retired in the early seventies in the
last century are drawing a miserable monthly pension of $400 of less, almost the same amount
as those on public assistance. And incredulously, a former finance minister said some years back
that that should be enough for them as the government considered they had served their
usefulness and was now waiting for them to die. This was said to some representatives of the
Singapore Government Pensioners Association who sought his help in getting some increase in
their meagre pension. The eminent minister was not callous but was only kind in a bizarre way.
He could have belonged to a coterie of so-called benevolent personae who believed in being
cruel first before trying to be benevolent.

While government ministers have awarded themselves whopping pay increases out of taxpayers'
money, thay are so scrupulous in thinking that the same taxpayers' money cannot be humanely
used for the upliftment of the dire straits of these pensioners. They gave the lame excuse that
they are precluded by law to increase the pension. As the Chinese say laws are man-made and
are not insurmountable. When the former prime minister wanted the dismantle the jury
system, the law was not an obstacle.

The irony of it all is that Malaysia, which is considered to be not on a par with Singapore
politically, is more advance in looking after its pensioners. Their pensioners' spouses continue
to enjoy pensions and other benefits upon the death of the pensioners and their pensions are
adjusted regularly according to the cost of living.


patrickteoh said...

Congratulations! Mr. Yoong Siew Wah. You've posted your first blog! I am sure that it is the first of many more to come. Your experience and your memories deserve to be shared with future generations of Singaporeans. Singaporeans who have grown up believing and expecting that Singapore is and has always been the clinical comfort zone that they know today.

I look forward to reading your blogs here. Welcome to the blogosphere.

patrickteoh said...

You wrote..."The eminent minister was not callous but was only kind in a bizarre way.
He could have belonged to a coterie of so-called benevolent personae who believed in being
cruel first before trying to be benevolent."

Mr. Yoong, I hope that you were being a little sarcastic when you wrote that. If it was for real it is a most despicable thing for a minister to say to representatives of a group of Singaporeans who have served their country well. "the government considered they had served their
usefulness and was now waiting for them to die"??????

If that was true and if it happened in any other country the minister would have been strung up by his balls. But then this supposedly happened in Singapore. And in Singapore the buses run on time. There is the MRT. HDB. And all the things Singaporeans enjoy in their First World country. So shut up la. said...

I have a lot of sympathy with retirees, but not only Singapore retirees but most of the countries, retirees have such a situation: Máy ép dầu thực vật gia đình GD03, Máy ép hoa quả – HGUR, Bài thuốc hay từ món ăn chuối hột dễ kiếm, Nên làm gì để cơ thể luôn khỏe mạnh và tràn đầy năng lượng, Một vài bài thuốc hay cho mùa mưa các mẹ cần biết, Món ngon nên thưởng thức khi đến Ha Noi, Tác dụng tuyệt vời của cải xoăn Kale, Canh cá chèo bẻo nấu chua dịu mát ngày hè,........