Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Booboo of Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew

Never in the recent history of China has there been such national wrath evoked against a foreign political leader such as the current campaign against our eminent Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew for his sinophobic call to the American President Barack Obama to engage in Asia in order to counter-balance the overwhelming emergence of China's economic and military powers. This was one time the highfalutin MM Lee opened his big mouth and invited disaster, which in a way will have repercussion on Singapore.

The Chinese are a people who will not easily forget a favour or a treachery. It looks like this anti-MM Lee movement in China, especially among its netizens, is not going away for a long time. The Singapore Chinese are described as having abandoned their ancestry (shu dian wang zong) and Singapore is depicted as opportunistic. The way the campaign is carried out in China is reminiscent of the early days in Singapore when a French-educated Chinese journalist branded as "er mao zi (literally a two-haired brat - a totally derogatory reference to a westernised Chinese devoid of Chinese culture) a certain political leader. This is the theme the Chinese netizens are plugging which is an uncanny co-incidence as the audacious Chinese journalist has long departed from this world.

MM Lee is not unknown to be constantly ingratiating himself with Chinese leaders and made frequent visits to China in order to pay his obeisance. But now the Chinese felt that they have been stabbed in the back by none other than a sinophile who has all along professed undying affection for the Chinese people. At the same time this chameleonic leader hightailed all the way to America to hobnob with its president and give his earth-shattering advice to the latter to contain China. Were the Chinese wrong in describing Singapore as opportunistic?

We will now come back to some sense of reality. Do Singapore taxpayers really believe that the annual remuneration of three million dollars MM Lee receives is a fair charge on them? To all intents and purposes the office of Minister Mentor appears to be a sinecure. What he does is to jet around to spout his whimsical ideas upon gullible audiences around the world, that not surprisingly included such discerning world leaders like President Barack Obama. And occasionally he made a booboo out of it. We think he has a more than prodigious nest egg to see him through a luxurious lifestyle until the coffin is closed and we have the verdict.


fievel said...

Deserving of a column space on the papers, this article. Thanks.

About This Blog said...

It is that Ah Tiongs that are childish and stupid. We are Singaporeans, not China citizens. Of course we have to look out for our own self-interest.

Anyway, speaking of betraying. It is China who refused to help us during our first few years of independence. When you didn't help out during our darkest hour, dun expect us to be your friend now.

Anonymous said...

A little red dot surrounded by a sea of green "Booboo"??? for your age and intellect you should know that its "survival"I for one would prefer my little red dot to the sea of "envious green"

Singapore Recalcitrant said...

Singapre Recalcitrant said...
Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew was noted for his anti-Communist China stand before and after independence.
It would be naive to expect him to accept help from Chairman Mao. Morevoer, China was not affluent and was hardly viable economically.

November 6,2009 9.10 pm

Anonymous said...

I detect a personal vendetta you have against MM, why dom't you come straight out and say it, after all you have had your perks while in the system,at your age what have you to lose as compared to what JBJ had lost at the peak of his life???If not please keep your peace and no one will think the worse of you.

Singapore Recalcitrant said...

Is it a personal vendetta? You seem to have a unique analytical mind.

MM Lee is a politician and is fair game for comment on matters of public interests. You are welcome to keep your peace if you cannot refrain from being personal.

Anonymous said...

Fair game and fair comment,yes lets keep it that way without innuendos, at your age I am sure you must be enjoying your retirement after all your hard work and sacrifices.

Singapore Recalcitrant said...

Actually my comment about PM Lee Kuan Yew not wanting to accept help from Communist China was meant for "About This Blog" if you read his comment carefully. It's straightforwad.

About This Blog said...

They want to know if we are on the side of the Ah Tiongs or the Ang Mohs. Singapore is on the side we always have been, ours.

Unknown said...

This Old Man refuses to fade away....He wants to die in the most dramatic manner He can orchestrate....Unfortunately the people of Singapore are the ones who have been the victims of his many mistakes ; like Stop at Two, Eugenics practice, Wipe out Dialects, Housing Quota based on Racial Lines, Incarceration of Political enemies without trial wanton importation of Low Skilled labour to keep alive Govt. Linked Companies still involved in the Sunset Industries, poor almost nonexistant help for the Old and poor; high medical cost, now high public housing with so called market subsidy.......the list goes on....

george said...

Adam, if what the blogger says is interpreted by you as a personal vendetta, one wonders how you would describe everything that the govt, esp. LKY has done and is still doing to people, news agencies and NGOs which happened to be critical or skeptical or simply have an honest to goodness difference in opinion?

No need to detail here what have happened to them, surely.